Archive | July, 2012

Macarons de chez Ladurée

31 Jul

Surprising post from someone who has been living in Vietnam for more than 4 months. A few weeks ago, one friend came to visit me in Vietnam (that’s the one with whom I’ve been to Hanoi and Siem Reap, the posts about that are starting this week), and she brought me some Ladurée macaroons! Crazy, right?
I also got some foie gras from the duty free shop. What’s the most unbelievable about the macaroons is that she bought them in Paris (instead of buying them at the Ladurée shop in the airport) because she saw the shop was too far away from her check-in gate! So the macaroons travelled in her luggage and had at least 2 days when I got them, but I don’t care, they were still good!

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Where to eat in Nha Trang (part 4)? Le Cabanon

29 Jul

Last post about Nha Trang! This is a small one, where we used to have breakfast.


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Fast food: Lotteria

29 Jul

One of the most present fast-foods in Vietnam apart from KFC is Lotteria. You usually see a Lotteria when you see a KFC by the way. I went to the one in Bien Hoa to try out this Korean fast-food.

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Where to eat in Nha Trang (part 3)? Le Refuge

27 Jul

So this post is about a famous French restaurant in Nha Trang. Famous because it is specialised in Savoy cuisine and the restaurant has been decorated like an Alps’ cottage.
I’m not a big fan of Savoy cuisine because they usually use strong cheese, and I don’t like cheese (I know, I’m French). I like only a few of them that don’t have much taste: mozzarella, ricotta, melted cheddar or gruyere. But the fact we’re always missing Western food led us to Le Refuge.

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Vietnamese drinks

25 Jul

So, here is my post about some of the drinks I encountered those past few months.

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Where to eat in Nha Trang (part 2) ? Romy’s Italian ice-cream

24 Jul

My favourite spot in Nha Trang: Romy’s Italian ice-cream. We went there before going to the train station to go back home, and it was the perfect thing to do to fill my need for chocolate.

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Two cherries’ pancakes

23 Jul

As I told you a few weeks ago, I was planning a recipe that I could make without any oven, and which included a Vietnamese fruit.
I decided to choose the oh-so-cute cherry that looks like a tomato. Which recipe can you make when you have only pans to cook? Pancakes!

I found some small Bonne Maman jam at Annam Gourmet Market in Saigon. Thus I decided to make a Two cherries’ pancakes.

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Pacey Cupcakes, Saigon

21 Jul

I discovered, as the time went by, that there were an expansion of cupcakes’ shop in Saigon. I knew one which had just opened (we passed in front many times): Fly cupcakes, but I also discovered through many blogs that there were much more places like L’Usine, CakeWalk or Pacey Cupcakes.

I wanted to try at least one of them (even though I’m now aiming to see them all), so because the weather was bad and I just happened to be near the cathedral, I headed to Pacey Cupcakes, on Nguyen Du (D1).

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Where to eat in Nha Trang (part 1): La Bella Napoli da Gigi e Marinella

19 Jul

Ouch, second Italian restaurant’s review in one week, it must mean I’m craving for Italian food!
Two weeks ago I went to Nha Trang, a seaside town in Vietnam. As usual, craving for Western food, we headed to an italian restaurant advised by our famous French touristic handbook. The place is really central and owned by two Italian women from Napoli.

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Vietnamese dish: bún thịt nướng chả giò

19 Jul

Today, a small post about a Vietnamese specialty: Bún thịt nướng chả giò.

Such a big name! In Vietnam specialties are often called by detailing what’s inside. So sometimes you’ll see bún thịt nướng or bún chả giò only.
Chả giò is the term used for the fried spring rolls, thịt nướng is the grilled meat and bún is the rice noodle that has the same shape as spaghetti (which is not to be called phở, which is the rice noodle that has the same shape as tagliatelle). Actually, the bun noodle used for the bún thịt nướng chả giò is more like vermicelli (but sometimes you’ll find it like spaghetti).

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