Tag Archives: mcdonald’s

Ebi burger McDonald’s

23 May


Peut-être que certains le savent déjà, mais McDonald’s au Japon est très différent de ceux en Europe. L’un des exemples les plus probants, est ce “ebi burger”. Ebi en japonais veut dire crevette. C’est donc une sorte de galette de crevettes panée que vous pouvez trouver entre les deux buns.


Maybe some of you already know, but McDonald’s in Japan is very different from those in Europe. One of the most famous examples if the “ebi burger”. Ebi in Japanese means shrimp. Thus, it is a kind of a fried shrimp patty that you can find between the buns.

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Golden Week!

4 May


Parce qu’à McDonald’s aussi, c’est la “Golden Week” (semaine de vacances japonaise)! J’ai trouvé cette publicité assez marrante, et la photo peu similaire à celles que l’entreprise a l’habitude de faire, celle-ci m’a rappelé d’autres chaînes de fast-food que l’on trouve uniquement aux Etats-Unis.


Because at McDonald’s too it’s Golden Week (Japanese holiday)! I thought that this advertisement was funny, and the picture was not similar to the ones the company is used to publish, it reminded me of other fastfood chains that you can find only in the USA.

McFlurry au thé vert et Oreo / Green tea and Oreo McFlurry

2 Apr


Une édition limitée de McDonald’s Japan, le McFlurry au thé vert Jing et aux biscuits Oreo.
C’est plutôt bon, mais probablement trop sucré. La glace vanille est déjà sucrée, les biscuits également (ils restent croustillants, ce qui est génial), donc pas besoin de rajouter tant de sucre dans le nappage thé vert !
Néanmoins, je vous conseille de l’essayer! Cela coûte 230 yens (soit moins de de 2€).


A limited edition from McDonald’s Japan, the Jing Green tea McFlurry with Oreo biscuit.
It is quite good, although too sweet. The vanilla ice-cream is already very sweet, so are the biscuits (which stay crunchy, and that’s awesome), so there’s no need to add so much sugar into the green tea topping!
Nevertheless, I advise you to try it! It costs 230 yens (so less than 2€).

Singapore Food Diairies: Day 3

29 Oct

Today, my penultimate post about Singapore!





We started the day by going to Ya Kun Kaya Toast, a chain of shops where you can buy kaya toasts, a Singaporean dish made with a toast, butter and kaya (some kind of jam made with eggs, coconut milk, pandan leaves…).

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Breakfast in Bangkok (and a novel about McDonald’s)

8 Sep

For our first morning in Bangkok, we were looking for a nice place to eat breakfast. We headed to Khao San Road, but I think the street is way more alive during the evening than in the morning. Everything was closed except for a few street food shops and fast food chains.

It looked really sad, like having a walk in Paris in autumn (the streets were wet) on a Sunday morning at 8am.

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Fast food: Lotteria

29 Jul

One of the most present fast-foods in Vietnam apart from KFC is Lotteria. You usually see a Lotteria when you see a KFC by the way. I went to the one in Bien Hoa to try out this Korean fast-food.

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